Apr 27, 2010

if only i can suck up other people's meat D:

god damn i've no idea whats going on with you Ms Body. nak gain macam mati susah, dah gain now you're losing like nobodies business. i've lost effin 5 kilos because of you. Do you have any idea how hard and how long it takes for me to gain those? now my jeans getting all loose. i might aswell not having any weight at all, ZEROkg, none, nada, kosong.

stupid metabolism. you're working too hard. slow freakin down!


Farah W. said...

same with me!
hate that stupid metabolism!!!

firrr said...

arghhhh. some say they're a blessing. tapi sampai tak mau naik-naik ni yang susahhh kan ishish T_T

mE said...